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Investment Objective

The object of the Enwealth Balanced Fund is to seek long-term stability and growth of capital consistent with moderate investment risk and a reasonable level of current income.
In order to achieve this object, The Fund Manager shall invest in all eligible asset classes at all times provided that investments in money market, equities and fixed income instruments shall each have a maximum exposure 60% of the market value of assets under management.

Target Clients

The Fund is suitable for the following categories of investors;

  • Investors who require a low to medium risk investment offering a competitive income yield, capital appreciation and partial liquidity.
  • A medium risk abode for investors who wish to save and grow assets while earning a competitive income yield.
  • Ideal for investors who wish to make a lump sum investment and wish to build up the lump sum through regular savings transferring the amount to other more aggressive portfolios.

The Investment Policy and Authorised Investments

In order to achieve its investment objective, the assets of the Enwealth Balanced Fund will be invested according to the following policies:

  • Invest in money market, debt and equity securities which are usually available to the entire spectrum of investors;
  • Universe of investments includes: interest-bearing securities such as bank deposits, bank acceptances, treasury bills, commercial paper, whether listed or unlisted treasury bonds, corporate bonds and equity whether listed or unlisted.
  • Income yield and capital gains will be primary drivers of investment returns.
  • The portfolio may contain low allocation of off-shore exposure as a hedge against the domestic currency and economy occasionally.

Through such investments, the Fund will seek to benefit from the most competitive yields and valuation upside available.
The Fund Manager shall keep under review and may from time to time amend the allocation of the Fund’s assets in the manner deemed appropriate for the purpose of achieving the Fund’s Investment Objective.

Investment Risk Profile

This is a medium risk investment fund.
The Fund is managed with considerable risk assumption with active management of duration, yield, credit, liquidity and equity market risks.


  • There are no guarantees on the client’s capital as the performance of units and interest- bearing investments in the underlying unit trust determines the value of the unit holders in the Fund.
  • The yield of units can go down as well as up as a result of changes in the value of the underlying investments.
  • Past performance should not be used as a guide to future investment performance.
  • The investment may be held in any number of funds, combination, or proportions subject to the fund minimums. These unit trusts can be selected to suit different investment needs and they can be combined to build a diversified portfolio.
  • The yield of units or the price of units, and the unit’s income and distributions may vary.
  • In certain specified circumstances investors’ right to redeem their units may be suspended.