A Unit Trust is a fund which pools together investors’ money (collective Investment), which is then invested into a diverse portfolio of assets.
The pooled money in the Unit Trust Fund earns income in the form of dividends, interest income and/or capital gains, depending on the asset class the funds are invested in.
What is a Unit Trust Fund?
What is Enwealth Capital Limited Unit Trust Scheme?
- Enwealth Money Market Fund,
- Enwealth Equity Fund, and the
- Enwealth Balanced Fund.
The objective of the Enwealth Capital Unit trust scheme is to provide a medium whereby investors can obtain undivided participation in a diversified portfolio of securities.
What is the difference between the three funds?
The difference is on the Risk profile, Investment Horizon and Objectives as highlighted below.
Enwealth Money Market Fund Profile
- Objective: Earn Interest Income
- Risk Profile: Low
- Investment Horizon: Short Term – Minimum 1 month
- Minimum Initial Investment: Kshs 1,000
- Minimum Additional Investment: Kshs 1,000
- Annual Management Fee: 2%
- Initial Fee: Nil
- Suitability: Investors with low risk appetite and High liquidity needs
- Funds Invested In: Short term securities – Mostly in Fixed Deposits and Treasury Bills
Enwealth Equity Fund Profile
- Objective: Capital growth + Dividends + Interest Income
- Risk Profile: High Risk
- Investment Horizon: Long Term – Minimum 3 years
- Minimum Initial Investment: Kshs 1,000
- Minimum Additional Investment: Kshs 1,000
- Annual Management Fee: 2%
- Initial Fee: Nil
- Suitability: Investors with High risk appetite and low liquidity (cash) needs.
- Funds Invested In: predominantly Treasury Bonds and Equities/Stocks
- Trustee: Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd
- Custodian: SBM Bank Kenya Ltd
- Fund Administrator: Enwealth Capital Limited
- Fund Manager: Old Mutual Investment Group
Enwealth Balanced Fund Profile
- Objective: Earn Interest Income + Dividends+ Capital growth
- Risk Profile: Medium
- Investment Horizon: Medium Term – Minimum 1 year
- Minimum Initial Investment: Kshs 1,000
- Minimum Additional Investment: Kshs 1,000
- Annual Management Fee: 2%
- Initial Fee: Nil
- Suitability: Investors with Medium risk appetite and desire to save and grow assets while earning a competitive income yield.
- Funds Invested In: Fixed deposits, Treasury Bills, Treasury Bonds, Corporate Bonds and Equity/Stocks
- Trustee: Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd
- Custodian: SBM Bank Kenya Ltd
- Fund Administrator: Enwealth Capital Limited
- Fund Manager: Old Mutual Investment Group
What are Currently the Unit Trust Returns in the Money market Fund?
Between 11%-13% PA
Is my money safe?
Yes, your money and assets that are purchased are safely secured in an approved bank under a custody account, and will not be affected by failure of any service provider. The custodian bank is licensed by CMA and regulated by CBK.
Can I redeem funds from my investment?
Yes. You can redeem at least once a month for free. More than once a client will be charged a frequency withdrawal fee of KES 500.The minimum withdrawal amount is Kshs 100 with no maximum.
What advantages are there in investing in Unit Trusts over other investments?
- Affordability: Generally, you can start investing with as low as Kshs 1,000.
- Liquidity: You can buy and sell unit trusts on any dealing/Business day (except on public holidays)
- Professional Management: Fund managers spend their working lives researching and managing investments. It would be very difficult for an individual to have an in-depth knowledge of markets around the world. With a unit trust, their expertise is working for you.
- Diversification: You spread your investment across a diverse portfolio. This is usually safer than investing in a single share. Of course, levels of risk and return also vary among different funds.
- Regulated Investment environment
Are Unit Trust Funds Risk Free?
instruments because unit trust funds are based on diversification, and risk is reduced
through the purchase of a wide array of different assets.
Are the Unit Trust Funds returns Guaranteed?
equities and fixed income instruments) which fluctuate in value on a daily basis. The
price of the unit trust funds’ investments will rise and fall and consequently cause unit
prices to rise and fall. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the fund returns.
Am I going to be charged when I withdraw from my Unit Trust Investment?
How do I become a member?
Click on Customer portal above
Click on Create Account and follow the steps.
- Download and fill in the application form attaching the relevant Know Your Customer documentation
- KYC documentation requirements are on the Download section
- Email the documentation to enwealthcapital@enwealth.co.ke
How do I send in my deposit or subsequent addition to my investment?
Enwealth Money Market Fund
Mpesa Transfer Details:
Pay Bill Number: 6188944
Account Number: Your Name for the initial deposit and member account number for subsequent deposits
Bank Transfers:
Bank Name: SBM Bank (Kenya) Limited
Account Name: Enwealth Money Market Fund
Account Number: 0212404631001
Branch Name: Upper Hill Branch
Bank Code: 060
Branch Code: 021
Swift Code: SBMKKENA
Enwealth Balanced Fund
Mpesa Transfer Details:
Pay Bill Number: 6188945
Account Number: Your Name for the initial deposit and member account number for subsequent deposits
Bank Transfers:
Bank Name: SBM Bank (Kenya) Limited
Account Name: Enwealth Balanced Fund
Account Number: 0212404635001
Branch Name: Upper Hill Branch
Bank Code: 060
Branch Code: 021
Swift Code: SBMKKENA
Enwealth Equity Fund
Mpesa Transfer Details:
Pay Bill Number: 6188943
Account Number: Your Name for the initial deposit and member account number for subsequent deposits
Bank Transfers:
Bank Name: SBM Bank (Kenya) Limited
Account Name: Enwealth Equity Fund
Account Number: 0212404638001
Branch Name: Upper Hill Branch
Bank Code: 060
Branch Code: 021
Swift Code: SBMKKENA